Friday, May 31, 2013

Wed. 5/29, Thurs. 5/30, Fri. 5/31


I took Tyla to the mall to look for an 8th grade banquet dress.
She didn't find anything, but I found this shirt.
And I fell in love with it, and it was only $5.
But for some reason, I didn't buy it.
And when I went back the next day, it was gone.
Life is hard.


I spent the day with Zach since he was leaving the next day for Texas.
We got boba (such a big event/ hang out in America) and played a knock off version of Uno.

Also, I decided to switch things up and pick him up from his house. 
I figured you would want to see it, so I took a picture. 
Big. Beautiful. Are you surprised at all? Westchase, man.

After boba, we went to the mall. 
(That's when I looked for the shirt again and couldn't find it.)
And then we parked at a playground right by his house and somehow, 
I convinced him to listen to pretty much the whole Legally Blonde soundtrack.
He either loved it, or he's a good friend for pretending to love it.


I was at my mom's school most of the day.
That's basically what I've been doing with my time when I'm not in school.
I'm not sure if I love kindergarten, or I just love Alyssa.

If I was older, there is no doubt in my mind that I would adopt her and her siblings.
Her sister will be in kindergarten next year. I hope my mom is her teacher.

Today they got all of the kindergarteners outside for a science experiment. 
All they did is put mentos in different types of soda, but it amazed the kids.

Today was also Bradley's 5th grade banquet. 
I snuck in and took some pictures.
They all sucked, though. 
Too many kids, moving too fast.
He has a crush on the girl in the yellow.

I'll try to blog more often!!!
<321, Kayluh.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Bored and sleepy. 
I should be doing my homework,
but my cat won't get off my notebooks.
Dumb cat.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Wekiva Springs/Falls

Today I woke up super early to go to Wekiva Springs with church.
But waking up early was not something I wanted to do,
so I slept in a little later than I meant to and then rushed to be on time,
which made me forget towels and sunscreen.
(You know, things necessary for days in the sun and water.)

I brought David along too because you're gone and I don't have many friends and also I kind of like David. One of my goals this summer is to get closer to people from church.

We drove a little less than two hours to get to the springs. David and I rode in the van Paul drove, which also had Jamie, Courtney, Christine, Nicole, Mia, Eddie, and Anthony. (Anthony is my new friend almost. More about him later.) When we finally got to the springs, there was a sign that said "Closed Due to Overcrowding". So we stopped at a gas station to figure out what to do instead.

Here is Paul stressing over what to do.

"Say 'Hi!' to Emilie!!"

Finally the guy who worked at the gas station we pulled over at suggested we go to Wekiva Falls, which is similar to the springs except unlimited people can get in. So, we went.

This is what the falls looked like.
Can you spot Matt in the first picture?!

The springs were fun, but very cold. Also, the place was full of mostly rednecks. In the words of David, "I'm pretty sure this is half water half Bud Light." I wasn't in the water long, but your brother spent the whole time in it playing frisbee and football with Conner, Jamie, Tyler, and a random little boy with no friends.

Here is Matt freezing after finally getting out of the water.

We stayed there until 2 o'clock, and then went to Moe's for lunch.

This is Anthony. I might love him.

Anthony is Vietnamese and 25 years old and goes to USF and delivered Chinese food for 5 years and is joining the Peace Corps and he is from some other state and he calls soda "pop" and when I laughed, he said "What?" and I said, "Most people say 'soda'," and he said, "They don't say 'pop' here!?". 

I'm exhausted and I love you.
<321, Kayla.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

       Today someone asked me where you were. 
I said, "I don't want to talk about it," and walked away. 

I miss you.

Love, Kayla and Oliver.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

       I finally have Internet connection AND time to blog!!! I'm going to post about the past couple days first, then I'll make another post tonight about today. 

       Firstly, the job interview. This is my pre-interview pic.

I was slightly nervous.

       I didn't automatically get the job like my mom's friend thought I would. She asked yesterday why, and her dad's friend said they'll probably just hire everyone they want to in bulk. She still thinks I'm getting the job, so I'm just kinda waiting at this point. 

       Okay, so that was Thursday. Nothing else worth mentioning happened Thursday. And then yesterday was boring until I got to church. Actually, church was boring too. Only because we were with the adults because a worship group came to perform. They were talented, but they sang mostly in Korean. (I don't speak Korean.) 
       Also, I had a short conversation with the pastor. I'm not sure if he doesn't know my name or just can't pronounce it, but anyways:

"Where's Emilie??????"
"She's in Thailand."
"Yes, for the whole summer."
"The whole summer??!! Your friend!!!!"

Even he knows how sad this is for me.

OH!!!!! Also, guess who came to church last night!!!

She came with Erika. 

       She said they were driving around, unsure what to do, so they decided to come to church. I didn't really hang out with them because I was feeling sick and just wanted to go home, but Erika (who I've never really spoken to before) invited me to go swing dancing with her..... Life is weird. 
       Today is Tyla's birthday. We're going to dinner to celebrate right now. I'll make a post about it later. 

       I love you!!! 