Friday, May 31, 2013

Wed. 5/29, Thurs. 5/30, Fri. 5/31


I took Tyla to the mall to look for an 8th grade banquet dress.
She didn't find anything, but I found this shirt.
And I fell in love with it, and it was only $5.
But for some reason, I didn't buy it.
And when I went back the next day, it was gone.
Life is hard.


I spent the day with Zach since he was leaving the next day for Texas.
We got boba (such a big event/ hang out in America) and played a knock off version of Uno.

Also, I decided to switch things up and pick him up from his house. 
I figured you would want to see it, so I took a picture. 
Big. Beautiful. Are you surprised at all? Westchase, man.

After boba, we went to the mall. 
(That's when I looked for the shirt again and couldn't find it.)
And then we parked at a playground right by his house and somehow, 
I convinced him to listen to pretty much the whole Legally Blonde soundtrack.
He either loved it, or he's a good friend for pretending to love it.


I was at my mom's school most of the day.
That's basically what I've been doing with my time when I'm not in school.
I'm not sure if I love kindergarten, or I just love Alyssa.

If I was older, there is no doubt in my mind that I would adopt her and her siblings.
Her sister will be in kindergarten next year. I hope my mom is her teacher.

Today they got all of the kindergarteners outside for a science experiment. 
All they did is put mentos in different types of soda, but it amazed the kids.

Today was also Bradley's 5th grade banquet. 
I snuck in and took some pictures.
They all sucked, though. 
Too many kids, moving too fast.
He has a crush on the girl in the yellow.

I'll try to blog more often!!!
<321, Kayluh.

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